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Form Resources

Assessment Form

Baby's Full Name:


Date of Birth:

Weeks pregnant:


Mother's Full Name:

Date of Birth:


Father's Full Name:

Date of Birth:


Mother's Address:

Father's Address:

(if different from above)

Reason for Consultation:


Consent and GDPR Form

• I give my consent for the lactation consultant to work with me and my baby during this consultation for my breastfeeding problem/concern. This consent is for this consultation, phone conversations, and information

sent by e-mail, or text, and includes appropriate follow-up contacts.

• I understand that a lactation consultation may involve:

  • touching my breasts and/or nipples for the purposes of assessment;

  • inserting gloved fingers into my baby’s mouth to assess suck;

  • observation of a breastfeed, and suggestions to enhance latch or position;

  • demonstration of equipment or supplies and techniques.

• I understand the risks of a home visit and agree that I (and those I live with) have no symptoms of COVID-19.

• I understand it is my responsibility to contact the lactation consultant with progress reports, questions or


• I give my consent for the lactation consultant to release any information acquired in the evaluation and/or

management of myself and/or my child to our health care providers. I understand the lactation consultant may

contact my GP or my child’s GP if the lactation consultant feels it is necessary.

• I give my consent for the lactation consultant to use clinical information obtained during our sessions for

education of other health care providers and mothers about lactation. I won’t be identified in any way, but

aspects of my situation may be described and discussed.

• I understand full payment is expected for this consultation.

• I understand that for this lactation consultation and all follow-up, the lactation consultant will protect the

privacy of my personal health information as required by the Code of Ethics of the International Board of

Lactation Consultant Examiners, the Standards of Practice of the International Lactation Consultant


Signed __________________________________ Date ______________


In accordance with GDPR 2018 you must be informed what Data will be requested from you, how that Data

will be processed or shared and what your rights are in relation to that Data. I will only request information

that I need in order to provide services effectively and safely. I will retain your consultation Data for a period of 25 years as per Government requirements. Your information will not be used for marketing purposes. The

Data held about you will include name, age, address, email, your child’s name and date of birth, medical

history, consultation notes, and may include a baby’s weight chart, care plan and a report to your GP.

Information may be shared with your health professionals (see above). You have the right to request access to

your personal Data. You also have the right to correction of that Data and deletion (where appropriate). If you

are not happy with how your Data is managed, you have a right to complain. I reserve the right to contact you

in the future regarding other services.

Signed __________________________________ Date ________________


£120 for 1.5 hour consultation plus ongoing support via messenger pre and post consultation. Payment is required prior to the consultation.

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